Pennsylvania's Dental Meeting (PDM)
April 25-26, 2025 at The Desmond Malvern, a DoubleTree by Hilton, Malvern, PA
Hotel rooms are available at $154 single/double plus 11% applicable taxes per night. Call Hilton reservations 24/7 at (855) 610-8733 or contact in-house reservations at (610) 296-9800 Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Or, reserve online here. The group code to receive the discounted room rate is PAD. The reservation deadline is March 26.
Registration Options for PDM
Friday Full Day Registration: $140 for PDA/ADA member dentists; $120 for PDA life/retired member dentists, hygienists, assistants and guests; $45 for dental students and residents; $210 for non-member dentists. Includes breakfast, lunch and breaks plus keynote address, chair yoga, choice of morning CE and afternoon sessions.
Saturday Full Day Registration: $160 for PDA/ADA member dentists; $145 for PDA life/retired member dentists, hygienists, assistants and guests; $45 for dental students and residents; $240 for non-member dentists. Includes breakfast, lunch and breaks plus oral lesions morning CE and choice of afternoon CE.
Saturday Morning Half-Day: $80 for PDA/ADA member dentists, hygienists, assistants and guests; $120 for non-member dentists. Includes breakfast and oral lesions morning CE.
Saturday Afternoon Half-Day: $80 for PDA/ADA member dentists, hygienists, assistants and guests; $120 for non-member dentists. Includes lunch and choice of afternoon CE. This is a great option for those attending PDA's Business Meeting on Saturday morning.
Agenda Highlights
Pre-Meeting, Thursday, April 24, 2025
Meet Your PDA Leaders Reception from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. sponsored by PDA president, Cary John Limberakis and PDA president-elect, Ted Rockwell
Axe Throwing at Splitting Edge for $38 per person at 7:45 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
Friday, April 25, 2025
Registration package includes breakfast and lunch plus:
- Keynote address by Kae Lani Palmisano, Emmy Award-Winning television host, food and travel writer
- Choice between AI and Our Future or Healthy Living Panel discussion; 2 CE credits
- Chair Yoga for All Skill Levels, 9:00 a.m. or 11:15 a.m.
- Navigating Finances
- Dentists' Wellness; 1.5 CE credits
Additional Events/Activities
Exhibit Area, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Complimentary, available for dentists and non-dentist staff of the dental office; no meals included
Cookie Decorating with Food Netwok contestant, Bunny Lyons for $75 per person at 9:30 a.m. or 1:45 p.m.
Chair Yoga for All Skill Levels, 9:00 a.m. or 11:15 a.m. Complimentary; no meals included
Welcome Reception at 6:00 p.m. for $40 per person
Member's Celebration and Awards Dinner at 7:00 p.m. for $80 per person
Saturday, April 26, 2025
Full-day registration package includes breakfast and lunch plus:
- Common Oral Lesions; 3 CE credits
- Student/Resident Poster Contest; 1 CE credit
- Choice between Cybersecurity and HIPAA for Dental Offices and AI and Our Future; 3 CE credits OR
- Hot Button Drugs and Supplements; 3 CE credits
Half-day Morning registration package includes breakfast and Common Oral Lesions CE
Half-day Afternoon registration package includes lunch; Student/Resident Poster Contest and choice between Cybersecurity and HIPAA and AI and Our Future OR Hot Button Drugs and Supplements
Additional Events/Activities
PDA's Business Meeting with updates from leadership and award presentations, 9:00 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. Complimentary; no meals included
Exhibit Area, 8:30 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. Complimentary, available for dentists and non-dentist staff of the dental office; no meals included
Reception for Members of the Pierre Fauchard Academy; the Philadelphia-Delaware Valley Section of the American College of Dentists and the International College of Dentists, USA Section, District 3, 4:45 p.m. - 5:45 p.m. for $20 per person
To register please follow these steps:
Non-dentist dental team members who are not attending the course with a dentist should contact PDA at or call (717) 234-5941, ext. 117.
1. Sign in to the website. Every dentist has a record. For most dentists, your website default username is your first initial, last name and four-digit year of birth with no spaces. The password is lowercase ada followed by your ADA number. If you don't remember your username and password, please contact PDA.
2. Click the Register Myself button (NOTE: button will not appear if your name is not displayed at the top of the page. You may need to click the words Sign In to refresh). Pricing will be applied based on your member status. Click the "Add" button to select the events you will attend. The "Add" buttons will not appear until you click the Register Myself button.
HINT: To see the events on the next day, click the down arrow in the date header to expand the listing. The arrow is on the right side of the header.
3. To register non-dentist (hygienists, assistants or non-licensed guests) attendees for the course, click +Add a Guest under "My Registration Status:" to add your guest.
- If you have previously attended a PDA program with a non-dentist guest, that person may appear as an existing contact. If the Select an existing contact option appears and the correct guest's name is displayed when clicking in the box, please select his or her name. If a unique email address is not listed for this guest, please add it. Click Save & Close.
- If the Select an existing contact option does not appear, please enter the name of the guest, his or her designation (RDH, EFDA) and a unique email address; click Save & Close.
- Click the "Add" button next to the events your guest will attend.
- Repeat the process until all guests are registered.
- Please note: if the same email address is used for all registrants, only one "reminder to attend" email will be sent.
HINT: Each question has a Save Response button. Please answer the questions and click the Save Response button for each registrant before you click Proceed to Checkout.
4. Click Proceed to Checkout to review your order and enter your credit card information.
5. Click Submit Order to complete your registration.
Please contact Rebecca Von Nieda, at (717) 234-5941, ext. 117 with any questions about the meeting or online registration.